Who teaches at RHS anyway? Meet some of Rosemount's newest and most tenured teachers!
Written by Theresa Decius-Timothee, Student

What do you love the most about this school? - The diversity. So many different kids that seem to all get along; it is an excellent example for other schools. What do you think the school could do to make it better? - We should have more real world experiences so what they learn in class can be applied in the real world. Have you noticed any changes in the school since you've been here? -The building looks better. The population has gone down, but it's on the rise again.

Why do you choose to stay at RHS? - I love the students and the building. Have there been any major changes since you've been here? -Not much, but there's been renovations and new teachers. What do you love most about this school? -The atmosphere!

What do you love most about this school? -It makes life interesting. How did you get your job teaching here? - It was offered to me. What do you think about the students? -They are very diverse.

What do you love the most about this school? - The diversity. So many different kids that seem to all get along; it is an excellent example for other schools. What do you think the school could do to make it better? - We should have more real world experiences so what they learn in class can be applied in the real world. Have you noticed any changes in the school since you've been here? -The building looks better. The population has gone down, but it's on the rise again.
Interview by Tiffany O. - Student
Mr. Marco Gagliardi is our new principal at Rosemount High School. We’ve asked him some questions about how his first school year has been and what his biggest challenges were.
Q: How was your first year at Rosemount?
A: I've had a lot of fun. I was excited to come here and I'm coming from being principal of an elementary school. I had taught high school in the past for four years and I really enjoy teaching high school; I wanted to get some more experience in a high school. I was really excited, and now that the year is coming to an end I'm really happy. I had a great first year and a lot of the students and parents have told me the same thing; they've been very happy as well. I think together we worked to make a lot of improvements in the school.
Q: What were your biggest challenges throughout the year?
A: I think my biggest challenges were figuring out the history of Rosemount High School; because I'm new to the school I didn't know all of the traditions and the routines of the school. It's a good thing that I got to work with Mr. Mangal as the vice principal because he had been a teacher here for ten years if I'm not mistaken. He was able to help me to understand why we do things the way we do, and the things that we didn't necessarily agree with or we thought needed to be changed, we're working towards changing.
Q: What do you look forward to in the upcoming years?
A: I look forward to continuing to make improvements to the school, to making this school more popular and more positive, so that you guys have a better experience as students as well. We want to offer you as many opportunities as we can. Just like today, the grade nines were doing pig dissections, and I went up and visited to take pictures. I am also looking forward to the activities and trips that we do around the school, so I think that's what I'm most looking forward to. I also enjoy working directly with the students, whether it's coaching a football team or participating in some of the events that we hold, like the concerts, or visiting the elementary schools with our studens. It's a lot of fun.
Q: What are you planning for the future as the principal of Rosemount High School?
A: There are a lot of things that I'd like to improve. I'm looking at hiring additional staff members for next year so that you guys have more resources to help you in and around the school. I'd like to have more activities during the day and after school for you guys as well, and just continue to promote school trips and see if we can get some for more grade levels as well.
Q: What do you love about the students at Rosemount High School?
A: I love that every student is different and every student appreciates other students around them. Everybody is really friendly. They accept other people's differences and understand that it's ok to be different, but we all get along and we all help each other out as a part of a family.